Manifesto for the Rising World Leader

I see the rising leaders of our world as shining beacons of goodness, truth, and beauty. They see the possibility of a new world - one that is compassionate, equitable, and sustainable - and are called to bring it to life. They are talented, driven, and caring. They are our wish for a beautiful tomorrow.

I see many of these leaders carrying a lot right now. They are overwhelmed by the weight of the world, the uncertainty of the future, and the never ending demands of their lives. They are tired. They are confused. Nothing ever feels like it is enough. Despite their efforts, they sense a loss of control over their inner and outer lives. I feel their pain. I see their light starting to fade.

They long for space. They are searching for a ground they can stand on, a home they can come back to. A place where they can feel deeply held by others and by life itself, where they can feel nourished in support and energized in co-creation. A way to connect to the infinite depth of their rootedness and the infinite height of their potential.

I stand for uncovering these spaces. I believe they are always available to us if we slow down enough to listen - to ourselves, others, and the systems we are a part of. 

I stand with you - our rising leaders - in creating a world where we continually choose love over fear. I believe this this is possible when: 

Join me in creating our new world together.


How do I contribute to the world amidst increasing uncertainty?

