I help mission driven senior leaders and teams perform with ease, connection, clarity, and impact

Who this is for

I serve people who are:

  • Leaders

    You are a founder, executive, visionary, or senior leadership team.

  • Mission-driven

    You are devoted to being a force for good in the world. You are helping bridge the ecological, social, and spiritual divides of our time.

  • Committed to inner work

    You get that organizational and systemic change requires people to change, and that your inner work is essential to your outer work. You take responsibility for you experience. You want to learn even when it is uncomfortable.

  • Adventurous and playful

    You are excited to dive into the scary unknown and can find joy in the journey!

What we work on

Common examples from past clients

How we work

We partner together in an individual and/or group capacity. Each journey is bespoke to the situation.

Our approach is grounded in various principles - informed by my teachers and lived experience - that are also core to my own inner work. They are essentially different manifestations of love.

  • Co-creation

    Our relationship is rooted in equal partnership. Together, we co-create interventions to ensure that your core needs are addressed, and do so with bold honesty, openness, and mutual respect.

  • Ownership

    We believe we are all naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. You have your answers within you. You are the expert in your life. You own your journey and their results. My role is to facilitate what wants to emerge.

  • Self-transformation

    Our internal experience - our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world - shape our reality. By increasing our awareness of our internal system, we create the conditions for transformation. We are more at choice of how we experience and show up in the world. We evolve our consciousness and accordingly achieve our objectives in sustainable, lasting ways. Like the caterpillar that transforms into a butterfly, we simply cannot go back to where we were.

  • Presence

    Too often we get lost in our heads. Explaining, rationalizing, debating. While our brains are gifts to listen to, so are our emotions, bodies, and intuition. By coming back to the present moment, we access the broader wisdom that exists within us and around us.

  • Connection

    We attune to ourselves, others, and the broader systems we are a part of. We base our work from a place of internal and external coherence.

  • Courageous action

    It is one thing to have good, thought-provoking conversation. It is another thing to take that conversation and create meaningful results in our lives. We combine depth with practicality so you create the outcomes you want.

  • Challenge and support

    We dance between nourishing empathy and courageous confrontation. This dance rests on a foundation of love, trust, and openness.

  • Wonder

    This work can be difficult. Change can be hard. But when we bring a sense of awe, childlike curiosity, and play to the sometimes seemingly arduous challenge of transformation, the process itself can become deeply fulfilling.

    We still move towards our goals, but we come to see the profoundly beautiful journey as the destination itself.