
There is something being born right now. Within us, as individuals, and as a global collective.

We are birthing a new future, a new beginning.

As is the case with births, we have little idea of what will come.

What exactly is being born?

What will it be like?

How will my life and I be changed as a result?

Perhaps we get glimpses of this

as we feel something growing inside us.

“There is an emerging global movement at this point in history, which is probably the most important story not told, because it is a movement that’s just beginning to become aware of itself.” — Otto Scharmer

With the unknown comes the pain and messiness of birth.

The physical, mental, and emotional discomfort.

The grief of what we have lost and are leaving behind.

The fear of what might happen.

The confusion,

the strange shifting moods,

the subtle and intense waves of overwhelm that take over us

as we try to be with it all.

And yet, there is the magic of birth.

The miracle of creation.

New life —

a new world —

is emerging from us.

A new way of being, doing, living, and engaging.

There is sacred beauty in this.

As we move through this process of birth,

let us nurture

as mothers do.

Let us nourish our bodies,

remember to breathe deeply.

Let us listen to our core,

for what new future might be tugging at us.

There is hard work do be done, no doubt.

Our will is imperative

to push forth our new future,

and sustain it so it survives.

We will expend energy and feel fatigue.

And yet, let us not forget the way of Nature.

Let us let go of control and surrender to what wants to emerge.

Let us birth what wants to be born,

tend to it with love and care,

and trust in its unfolding.

Let us see our birthing future the way a parent sees their new child:

precious, and full of infinite possibility.

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Manifesto for the Rising World Leader