Creating a world based on love.

We all have fears. It is natural and human. In the early days, our fears were around our physical survival. Today, many of our fears are around our ego's desire for control, approval, and safety. Fears of failure, not being seen or liked, losing what we cherish, financial insecurity, the unknown. The list is endless.

Our fears kick when we get stressed or triggered in ways big and small, whether we know it or not. They show up everywhere in our lives, from our work to our homes, from our relationships with others to our relationship with ourselves. In an increasingly complex and uncertain world, operating from fear can become especially easy and normal. But when we do, we experience more internal and external conflict. We judge, protect, fight, give up. We suffer, as do the people around us.

We have a choice. We can operate from a place of love. From love, we have access to creativity and purpose, and can contribute our unique gifts to the world. We are confident and courageous. We trust in ourselves, others, and the unfolding of life. We are accepting and compassionate, not only to others but also to ourselves (including our fears). We are present and alive.

This choice is always available to us in every moment, if we slow down enough to hear and see it. I believe that when we as individuals choose love, we can enrich our personal lives, our organizations, and the communities we are a part of. Facilitating this ongoing choice - and the transformation and inner work that comes with it - is at the core of the work I do with individuals, groups, and myself.