How do I contribute to the world amidst increasing uncertainty?

Wednesday, October 14 2020

9-11AM PST / 12-2PM EST / 5-7PM CET

Join me for a 2-hour experiential workshop to integrate and embody the four practices of effectively contributing amidst uncertainty into daily life.

Wednesday, October 14 2020
9-11AM PST / 12-2PM EST / 5-7PM CET

Developing ease with uncertainty requires active reflection and ongoing action. This workshop is focused on practical application so that you leave with:

  • An empowering purpose statement, with a range of ideas on how to make it reality

  • A personalized & actionable plan to live into your purpose that is designed for uncertainty

  • Greater resolution around the personal challenges you face in effectively contributing to the world

  • Practical ways to create ease with uncertainty 

In addition, you will connect with other like-minded individuals on a similar journey that can be a source of ongoing support.

As a bonus, you will receive a complimentary 1-hour coaching session after the workshop.

Given the varied economic impact of the current crisis, I am offering a tiered pricing model to accommodate for different financial circumstances. Please select whichever option fits your current situation and needs.

Event details will be email to you within 24 hours of payment.

Pricing Tier:
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